Call me Cameragirlandrea

Aiming to uncover hidden beauty, a beauty that does not merely exist on its own,
but that appears behind gestures, movements, textures and colors.
I am Dubai-based videographer, my work focuses around capturing documentary,
beauty, and lifestyle moments.I seeks to awaken awareness around the moments I captures.

My name is Andrea, human, female, free, honest, outspoken, artist.


I am a storyteller and the first viewer. My job is highly complex and rarely understood.
I sculpt, slice, shave, and trim. I decide when to reorder, when to add time and when to take it away.
When to tighten and when to let breathe. I impose form, structure and logic.
I enhance the performance of others and correct their mistakes.
What I choose to take away is as critical as what I choose to keep.
Through hundreds of creative, selective, and structural decisions and from hours of raw material I
create jeopardy, tension, excitement. But the less you notice my work; the more successful I have been.

My Mission

To awaken my subject’s awareness and enable them to tell their story naturally.
As there is no magic without the magician, beauty cannot exist without the individual radiating it, and lastly leaving a huge impact to my audience.

My Vision

To be a world class content creator that supports filmmakers, engages the community and expands the appreciation of independent cinema.